
Outdoor fabrics
Panoramic wallpapers
The Pierre Frey studio invites two artists, Véronique Villaret and Yiling Changues, to offer a sensitive double look towards the enchanted islands of the Pacific.
They designed 7 creations inspired by realism and dreamlike fantasies.
Graduated of the Beaux-Arts de Nîmes, Véronique Villaret was a student of Claude Viallat. She was greatly influenced by the work on color of the founder of the Supports/Surfaces art movement. It is also in this ancient city that her fascination for the laurel wreaths that adorn the heads of emperors’ statues was born. The shape of these leaves radiating in the sunlight, both simple, contemporary and timeless soon became her favorite pattern.
The artist celebrates color in her white Parisian apartment-studio. The aesthetics of her work are linked to the home, to space, to place, which led to working in the world of decoration as a stylist and scenographer. In her spare time, she devotes herself to decorative and joyful painting that brings color and nature into her Parisian home.
For the Iles Enchantées collection, she imagined a design of 27 different shapes, evoking the atmosphere of the Pacific islands, named after the Polynesian atoll «Rangiroa». Available in three color harmonies, inspired by the blue and green reflections of the sky on the sea, by the ochre of the earth, sand or basketry and by the bright, acidic colors of the luxuriant vegetation. These shapes compose a painting which has been transformed into fabrics, wallpapers, rugs and carpets.
Enhanced by the expertise of Pierre Frey’s design studio, these patterns are elegantly embroidered on a thick linen with a majestic fall, printed on a laminated linen to dress the walls or a play on textures with matt and shiny materials for the carpet and rug.
The artist always begins by painting flat areas of bright color that she chooses according to her intuition from hundreds of small pots of paint. She then cuts out her pink, yellow and blue sheets of paper and improvises with her scissors imaginary shapes, often plant-like, inspired by nature. The cutting and gestures bring fluidity and volume to the shapes that she then joins together harmoniously arranging the colors between them.
Trained as an illustrator and graphic designer, Polynesian artist Yiling Changues works between Paris and her native Tahiti. As a French-Sino-Tahitian woman, she explores through her art the myth of the vahine, the island paradise and island life. She proposes an authentic, sincere and poetic representation that emancipates itself from a vision conveyed by colonial history.
Between realism and a dreamlike state, the works of Yiling Changues reconnect with this nature that surrounds her and gives pride of place to female bodies, immersed in a generous, omnipresent and sacred Polynesian vegetation.
It is an ode to nature and Polynesian women which seduced Pierre Frey’s design studio, and is the very essence of this collection of fabrics, wallpapers and carpets, " Iles echantées ".